This One Time at a Bar

There she was, legs crossed sitting across the bar. Not quite with her back to me, not quite facing me. Her striking slender side profile was conspicuous, hypnotic and as inviting as a condensing cold jar of lemonade on a scorching hot summer day. From my vantage point I could see that she had silky smooth skin that had been kissed by the sun and curves so carefully placed, it could only have been done by a master geometrician. “What a beauty! I must go over and say hi,”I thought to myself.

You see I had been fueled by a capricious burst of energy when I walked in here and its hold over me did not seem to be subsiding anytime soon. Caution be damned! I approached the lady in the bold print dress with red high heels, pulled up a chair next to her and said “Excuse me miss. Is there any chance you work for UPS? Because I could have sworn you were checking out my package”.  She let out a chuckle and rolled her eyes in an unamused manner while remarking “you’re one of those guys huh?” Before I could think of a quick witted response, she beckoned me to have a seat.

As soon as I sat, she leaned in to the side of my face. My heart palpitations at an all-time high, she whispered in my ear with a sultry raspy voice…”You’re a lucky one. I’m a genie in the form of a goddess, and I’m in the mood to grant 3 wishes. What’s on your mind?” Still in my live on the edge mode I simply replied “Wine, dine and sixty nine….but first I must know your name.” “That’s four wishes” she retorted, but “for you I will make an exception”.

Seemingly more comfortable with each other, I ran my index finger gently up and down her shoulder while she drew light circles around my thighs. There we were, on an island amongst the sea of people in the room, lost in conversation, oblivious of anything around us.

She told me her name was Today. She said she had an equally beautiful sister named Tomorrow, and being that I was now at ease, I suggested a ménage a trois with all three of us. She told me her sister Tomorrow was a little more reserved and was not a sure promise, so to focus on what was in front of me…her, Today! With quiet waters all around us, I hung on to her every word as they dripped eloquently from her lips like honey from a tipped jar.

A few feet away from us Mr. Society had started to unleash a drunken tirade on a few unsuspecting patrons. You see he always had these expectations of people who visited the bar. People usually conformed because no one wanted Mr. Society picking on them. Every once in a while though, you had a rebel come through who would not conform and had no problems challenging his expectations. No sooner had that died down when Anxious Alex started to scream loudly at his cell phone. From what I could gather, there was a shipment coming in at the port tomorrow and there was a chance no one was going to be there when it docked. Anxious Alex was a supervisor for the Ports Authority and he earned his name because he worried about everything, from work to who was going to clean up all the mess left behind after the county fair. All these things were starting to distract me from the vision of elegance before me that was Today. If I was going to command the full attention of this damsel, a change in scenery was a necessity and so I promptly asked her if she would like to take a walk. This meant that we had to give up the coziness of the bar, but neither I nor Today cared much about this.

We went down to the beach and watched the people sun tanning. We went to the farmer’s market and observed all the beautiful commotion around us. We even picked up a few fruits to smell them. We rented bikes and rode across the city. It was like we were seeing the city in a light we had never done before. Being with her, it was like time stood still. Nothing mattered, just me and Today. It was about to be sunset, and we were determined to catch the perfect view. So we hiked up a cliff till we found the perfect spot to perch. The sun was magnificently radiant, dressed in her orange best as she began to take her momentary leave from the city for a night away from prying eyes. There was no one in sight. Just myself, Today and the overwhelming feeling of peace, quiet and serenity. It was beautiful. It was special. From the corner of my eye I could feel Today staring at me, so I turned and asked “What”? She smiled gently and said “We should really spend more time together”. With full conviction I replied… “You know, I was just thinking the same thing”. THE END