16 Hours With You: An Ode to Loss

It’s 8am. I had a dream about you last night. It’s been a while since I thought of you. These days it’s hard to feel you near. I came down to the soccer field by my former house. It was here that I really got to know you. In the solitude of the pitch, the tranquility of the night, I told you things and you showed me possibilities. These days I search for your voice in the wind, hoping that I could feel you close again like the sweat on my brow, but the howling carries no mention of you.

It’s 12 noon. I just saw a car pull over by the side of the road, smoke emanating from it’s tires. Again my mind wanders… did you ever fix your car, or did you both part ways like a long overdue breakup between 2 lovers turned enemies? I remember how it would always give up on you at the most inopportune times. Anyways, It’s almost time to prep for dinner, so I must hurry along.

It’s 4pm. Today has been really strange so far. This meal in front of me might have to wait. My appetite seems to have gone the way of a pirate’s lost treasure. I’ve been thinking of how high you made me soar. It was like life itself was a vibrant city, and I could see all the beautiful ways it was unfolding from my vantage point.

It’s 8pm. It’s been raining outside and the weather is quite cold. I need some warmth. The cold chill making its way through my bones makes me think of you, and the fire you set ablaze on my inside. Alas, where a fire once burned, only ashes remain.

It’s midnight. I should get some shut eye. It’s been bittersweet spending today with you. It felt like seeing a long lost friend who was only in town for a brief period of time. I’m not sure when you will stop by again. I’m not sure if I will recognize you or you will recognize me if that happens. So for now, I’ll just say thanks for stopping by, and I wish you well on your journeys.